Pangea Aerospace — Additive manufacturing for the aerospace sector

PES-3D — Green Space Propulsion through additive manufacturing

The PES-3D — Green Space Propulsion through Additive Manufacturing project aims to research and develop satellite engines with sustainable fuels through laser additive manufacturing of advanced metallic materials.

What is the problem to be solved or improved?

PES-3D — Green Space Propulsion by Additive Manufacturing aims to reduce the emissions produced by traditional satellite propulsion systems, while increasing their efficiency and reducing fuel costs.

Luis Saturnino, Project & Programme Manager at Pangea Aerospace, explains in this video that to achieve this goal, the project studies and validates the different critical technologies of additive manufacturing, materials and combustion to lay the scientific and technological foundations for the future development of a green engine for small satellites and cubesats.

What digital technology is being used to address the issue?

The project includes the investigation of different materials made by additive manufacturing to achieve a miniaturised combustion chamber to serve as a propellant for cubesats.

What results are involved and what impact does it have?

The engine, developed and commercialised by Pangea Aerospace, that emerges from this project will enable nanosatellites because it will allow manoeuvres to avoid collisions, deployments and end-of-life orbit drops to avoid creating space debris, thus contributing to increase sustainability in space. In this sense, the project is framed in terms of sustainability and to be able to provide sustainable and low-cost propulsion products for all NewSpace actors in the future.

The impact of this project is a turning point in space accessibility, adding to the cubesat and nanosatellite revolution to enable manoeuvres. It is contributions such as these that underpin the forecasts for growth in the sector at 10% each year this decade. Space is expected to be the stage for the next revolution for mankind after aviation, the Internet, or telecommunications.

PES-3D — Green Space Propulsion by Additive Manufacturing

This project involves, in addition to our partner FEMETALiNDUSTRY, the Asturian company Know-How Innovative Solutions S.L. (KHISGROUP), Pangea Aerospace, AENIUM and the Clúster de Materials Avançats de Catalunya, which acts as consortium leader.

PES-3D is a project funded by the Ministry of Industry and Tourism through the 2023 Call for Innovative Business Clusters, within the framework of the Spanish Government’s Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan.

About Pangea Aerospace

Pangea Aerospace develops next generation space vehicle technologies to provide launch service providers with the most efficient rocket propulsion systems and launch vehicles on the market at a reduced cost.

In honour of the ancient supercontinent, Pangea Aerospace was created by bringing together international engineers under a common goal: lowering the cost of access to space for the small satellite market.

Proyecto PES 3D propulsión espacial Luis Saturnino Pangea Aerospace
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