SEM — Artificial vision for risk prevention and safety

Prevention and safety in industrial installations through the use of artificial vision

The Smart Crane II project is focused on improving the safety of overhead cranes, by coupling them with artificial vision systems.

The aim is to innovate in the area of risk prevention, minimising possible incidents arising from day-to-day rushing or overconfidence.

What issues are being addressed or improved?

Smart Crane II is defined as “Research and development of an intelligent and predictive system for securing the movement of overhead loads by means of overhead cranes in outdoor industrial spaces”.

It consists of research into the applied use and technological development of artificial vision systems capable of providing intelligence and predictive capacity to overhead cranes with a view to avoiding human and material accidents.

SEM brings to this second phase of the project harsher working conditions than those of the first phase, providing an outdoor bridge crane in its facilities with changing light conditions or even with birds that can pass in front of the safety systems.

What digital technology is used to address the problem?

With Táctica TIC as a digital enabler, the system based on artificial vision will allow continuous inspection of the installations in an unattended manner, eliminating the human factor and improving safety conditions in the industrial environment. In this way, if an object or person enters a security zone, the new technology will identify it, size it, alarm the situation and, if necessary, stop the operation.

This technological development includes research into machine vision technologies applicable in industrial outdoor environments for the design and development of robust technology resistant to corrosion, humidity, dust or possible displacements caused by wind gusts.

What results are achieved and what impact does it have?

The Smart Crane II project includes the design and development of a prototype solution, both software based on vision and artificial intelligence technologies and hardware based on a plug&play approach. This would allow the implementation of the technologies on existing bridge cranes, facilitating the revamping of technically and functionally obsolete installations.

SEM managers anticipate future uses of these technologies, such as interconnection with other elements through Internet of Things technology, such as vehicles, machinery and even people. It could also be possible to automate complete lines or loading and unloading processes.

Smart Crane II

The Smart Crane II project consortium, coordinated by our partner MetaIndustry4, is formed by Táctica TIC, SEM, GH Cranes, Delfin Tubes and the Galician Naval Cluster Association (ACLUNAGA).

These partners are currently developing the second phase, which is expected to improve intelligent safety measures and tools for the prevention of accidents involving people, equipment, materials and machines in the industrial environment, minimise human error, modernise and adapt the current fleet of overhead cranes and anticipate risks and visualise operations.

The Smart Crane II project is funded by the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, through the Call for Innovative Business Clusters 2023, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

About SEM

SEM was founded in 1956 in what was then the new sector of surface metallisation. Today, SEM is an international reference group specialising in surface coating, providing high added value in the use and development of technologies applied to this field.

SEM TacticaTic SmartCrane caso de uso tecnologías de visión Asturias AsDIH
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