Multi-copter platform with LiDAR + RGB + thermal sensors
DJI Matrice 600 pro drone. Wingspan 167 cm, weight 12 kg, range 15 min, speed 65 km/h. Carbon fibre material.
DJI Matrice 600 pro drone. Wingspan 167 cm, weight 12 kg, range 15 min, speed 65 km/h. Carbon fibre material.
Scout model, with Velodyne VLP-16 laser sensor. 120-metre detection range, with the capacity to take 600,000 measurements per second in the doublereturn mode.
Sonic technology equipment oriented to its implementation in the industrial process for the resistant classification of wood and other materials.
135 sensors: conductivity, water volume and floor temperature, weather
variables, dendometric sensors, humidity and leaf temperature sensors.
RTK Fixed wing drone with a weight of less than 2 kg. 150-g payload.
40-minute range with standard camera.
18 autonomous monitoring stations, which can be configured for a wide range of sensors. Remote communications with own servers.