PokaYoke Digital Intermark IT Tekox Metaindustry4 AsDIH


Tekox Machine vision applied for quality control and defect identification in mass production The Poka-Yoke Digital project (Research and development of an intelligent system based on artificial vision and automatic learning to automate the…

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SEM TacticaTic SmartCrane caso de uso tecnologías de visión Asturias AsDIH


SEM Prevention and safety in industrial installations through the use of artificial vision The Smart Crane II project is focused on improving the safety of overhead cranes, by coupling them with artificial vision systems.…

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Gonvarri Industries sistema visión artificial y deep learning para detectar defectos Universidad de Oviedo Proof of Concept AsDIH

Gonvarri Industries MS R&D

Gonvarri Industries MS R&D Low-cost system for the automation of surface inspection using new machine vision and deep learning techniques What issues are being addressed or improved? Gonvarri MS R&D needed to improve the…

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AsDIH_CTIC_tecnologías inmersivas

Couto Industrial

Couto Industrial    About Couto Industrial Founded in November 2001 by Rafael Couto on the basis of his long and successful experience in the sector and thanks to the trust placed in him…

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TOSCAF The project is based on real-time data capture on the plant floor. This data is collected through human-machine interaction using touchscreen interfaces (eliminating the use of paper), as well as through sensors and…

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